By Rassim Sakhraoui
EABATX Hosts 2024 American Elections Week Activities
In honor of the 2024 American presidential elections, the Andorran School of Batxillerat (EABATX) organized a series of activities to teach students about the U.S. electoral process from the 21st to the 25th of October. The week featured educational sessions, interactive discussions, and a final debate where students showcased their newly gained knowledge and argumentative skills.
Preparing for the Debate
The first class of the week was the starting point for the main event: a debate. Teachers mixed two classes and divided the students into small groups of four or five. Each group was assigned a political party, either Democrat or Republican, along with a topic relevant to American voters, such as immigration, abortion, or gun control. To ensure students could build strong, convincing arguments, they were provided videos and documents explaining the ideas and policies of their assigned parties. This preparation was important for their performance in the debate held later in the week.
Interactive Lecture on U.S. Elections
The second class took place in the cafeteria, where Fulbright teaching assistant Amil Osmani gave a detailed lecture about the American electoral system. Amil covered topics such as past American presidents, the importance of swing states, and the requirements to become president. Students had the chance to ask questions, clarify doubts, and engage in discussions with both Amil and their classmates, gaining a better understanding of the U.S. elections.
The Final Debate and Voting
The highlight of the week was the third class, where the students participated in a debate. Each group presented and defended their arguments on the assigned topics, using the materials and strategies developed earlier that week. After each round of debate, the rest of the students voted for the side they found more persuasive and convincing. This exercise not only tested the students’ public speaking and thinking skills but also helped them develop a deeper understanding of politics and different ideologies.
Reflecting on the Experience
The week-long activities at EABATX proved to be both educational and enjoyable. Although at the start, most students were confused and skeptical about the purpose of the week, asking questions such as, “Why do we have to do this if we are in Andorra and not in America?” Yet, in the end, the students were able to enjoy the different activities and participate actively. One student, Emma, expressed her opinion about the week, highlighting its value:
“I really liked the activities because we had the opportunity to learn a lot about a topic fundamental to have knowledge about it, and we learned in a fun and different way, giving us the chance to interact with another class.”
Emma further explained why she believes it is important to understand global issues, stating, “I personally believe that the week of activities was very necessary and useful since we live in a society where every day the world is more and more interconnected and globalized. These important decisions can affect us in different ways. Maybe people do not care about it, but that’s because they don’t know the impact that it can have on our country.”
She also commented on the frequency of such activities and special weeks, saying, “I think that the activities should not be more frequent because what made that week special was doing things we don’t usually do, making us want to do them more motivated. If we did it more often, it could get boring.”
Anna Visent, head of the English department who organized the activities alongside the other teachers, also shared her point of view:
“I did enjoy it, and I thought it was a great opportunity for students to learn about American culture and concretely the political system in the USA, and a way to speak English in a kind of real situation, where you have to debate, agree and disagree, express your ideas… So it was a very intense yet very interesting week.”
Anna also highlighted the value of these activities, saying:
“I think it was a perfect excuse to speak in English, debate in English, you know, to try to convince people in English, to use persuasive techniques, which are things we have been working on in class. So yes, of course it was very, very useful.”
When asked if there should be more activities like this and if she was willing to organize them, she replied with excitement and positivity:
“Yes! Absolutely, because we think that in real situations like this it’s really the place where students learn the most. They have to work in groups, they have to negotiate, they have to do research and practice! So, it’s an excellent way to learn English.”
This week would not have been such a success or even happened without the hardworking people behind it. Special thanks to Ester Vilarrubla, who gave the green light, allowing the week of activities to take place; to Sandra Vila from the administrative office, who tirelessly created and displayed posters around the school, decorated, and even rolled out a red carpet by the main entrance of the school; and to the English department, who not only came up with the idea but also participated while making sure everything was on track. Last but not least, special thanks to the students who participated, making it an eventful and memorable week.
As a new semester approaches, we eagerly await the exciting opportunities and activities that await our students and teachers!